Steel Sculpture Series: 1978 – 2000
Review by David Tannous in Art in America, May-June 1979
“ . . . Janos Enyedi’s group of welded and bolted steel sculpture from the “Bessemer Song” series are richly complex, the sculptures are assembled from a motley collection of fabricated and found parts —primarily rolled sheets, box columns and I-beams —into curving, attenuated configurations. Overlapping, eccentrically cut arcs — gently enfolding partially visible interior spaces — are counterpointed by self-assertive columns and beams, whose straight edges slice out into new territory as ledges, lintels, flying buttresses, diagonal supports. This complexity keeps the viewer active: there is no “frontal position” for these works. And although from certain points the works have a hunch-shouldered, almost defensive heaviness, they are involved much more with questions of balance and position than volume and mass. Some of the rigid, knife-edge parts, perched exquisitely within an assemblage, suggest a giant game of pick-up sticks: one clumsy move, and the whole pile will collapse. Yet the balance is perfect. . . With their curved gestures and leggy articulations, they suggest the elegant, slightly unnatural extension of a ballet dancer, or the delicate strength of a stalky plant.”
Excerpted from Art in America, May-June 1979. By David Tannous, reviewing an exhibition by Janos Enyedi at Wolfe Street Gallery, Washington, DC


Albany, 1975
(first sculpture)
Welded steel
H. 18”. L. 17” D. 6”
Bessemer Song #5, 1978
Welded steel
H. 64”.L. 78” D. 78”

Scraps Game, 1978
Welded Steel
H 9.5” x L 20” x W. 11”
Shrine to the Age of Steel, 2000
Welded Steel
H. 37.5 L 18.5” D. 14.5”
w/pedestal: H. 36” L. 24” D. 24”

Bessemer Song #3, 1978
Welded Steel
H. 79”. L. 137” D. 79”
Inner Harbor (Summer), 1982
Welded Steel [painted green enamel]
H. 12.5’ L. 15” D. 13”

Milltown Monday Morning,
Welded Steel
H. 12.57” L. 12” D. 13”
w/pedestal H. 36” L. 17” D. 17”
Stokehold, 1978
Welded Steel
H. 7. L.8”. D. 9”


Hurly Burly, 1986
Welded Steel and Bolted
H. 8’ x L. 10’ D. 10’
Hurly Burly, 1986
illustration board maquette 1986
H. 24” L. 10” D. 12

Somebody’s Hoist, 1981
Welded Steel with chain
H. 22” L. 232” D.24”
Anvil Song, 1988
Welded Steel ,volumetric
H. 32” L. 35” D. 30”

Bessemer Song #2, 1978
Welded Steel and Bolted
H. 64” L. 72” D. 54”
Boiler Maker, 1978
Welded Steel
H. 13” L. 24” D. 19”
w/pedestal: H. 36” L. 17” D. 17”

Forge, 1986
Welded Steel, volumetric
H. 32” L. 47” D. 40”
Grinder, 1988
Welded Steel, volumetric
H. 36” L. 24” D. 20”

Ingot Situation, 1982
Welded and Painted Steel
H. 20” L. 16” D. 12”
Inner Harbor, 1981
Welded Steel
H.36” L. 42” D. 25”

Made in USA, 1982
Welded Steel, volumetric
H. 36” L. 38” D. 30”
Nobody’s Hoist, 1981
Welded Steel with Chain
H. 30” L. 24” D. 24”

Bessemer Curtain, 1978
Welded and Bolted Steel
H. 60” L. 68” D. 48”
Paint Brush, 1986
Welded Steel
H. 40” L. 50” D. 25”

Yard Scheme, 1981
Welded Steel
H. 18 L. 22” D. 22”